Exchange of more than 60 currencies

We buy and sell more than 60 different currencies, with stores in Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, and major Greek islands, with schedules from 09:00 am to 09:00 pm, while 3 of our branches at Athens Airport operate 24/365. Our eager and experienced staff will serve your needs avoiding queues and delays.

Take advantage of using our Click&Collect special rates, ordering the currency you need before your travel and collect them from Athens Airport, valuying in advance the cost of your trip.

Using the Buy/Sell back service we exchange up to the 30% of the original amount,commission free at the same rate.

For special rates and delivery at your place and preference date and time please contact our Head Office: 2103220005.


Do you need information? Contact us at 210 3220 005 or at